1 Year Goal in 1 Week

If you’re thinking about career goals for 2025, here’s a fun thought exercise that may shift your perspective. 

Bec and I have been running leadership programs for over 10 years. 

One year, a member of our team set an ambitious goal of being promoted within their company. 

We used the time to plan what would be needed to make this happen and the immediate steps they’d need to take. 

They were prepared for this goal to take a year to achieve and they fully committed to the process.

And guess what?

A week after the leadership program, they had some exciting news…

Their company had offered them the promotion they desired!

It was pretty incredible. 

One of the reasons they had achieved such an ambitious goal so quickly was they had put in the work at the company and their leadership potential was recognised. 

But it’s amazing what can happen when you give yourself the permission to want something and really go after it. 

So here’s the thought exercise.

What’s a big career ambition you have that you think may take a full year to achieve?

Now, what would it mean if this ambition was realised within a week? 

What would you need to do to make this happen? 

You might think this is completely unrealistic. 

But what if?…


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The mirror trick

I love telling this story to clients to shift perspective. You may have heard it, but it’s worth repeating. People used to complain that elevators

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