Careers aren’t set at uni or high school

Since having children, I’ve been amazed by the businesses people have built for families.

Some of these provide extraordinary value, yet I can’t imagine many of their founders dreamed of creating the best baby seat after school. 

At some point, they either discovered a need they could fill or became so passionate about something that they committed to it.

I use this example a lot in Career Coaching in three key ways:

👉 You don’t need to have everything figured out at school or university to build an amazing career.
👉 If you committed to a career path early on, you can still change direction and thrive.
👉 If you haven’t found something you’re passionate about yet, there’s always an opportunity to discover a worthy pursuit (though if you keep doing what you don’t want to do, then it’s harder to discover a different path). 

Your career isn’t defined by what you thought you’d do at 18. It’s shaped by what you choose to do next.

Has your career taken an unexpected path?


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The mirror trick

I love telling this story to clients to shift perspective. You may have heard it, but it’s worth repeating. People used to complain that elevators

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