Client wins in 2024!

As a Career Coach, there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing my clients achieve their goals and build the lives they’ve been dreaming of. Here’s a snapshot of what we accomplished together in 2024:

New Jobs Secured
2023: 7 🎉
2024: 12 🚀

💰 Total Pay Rises Earned
2023: $112.8k
2024: $267k 🔥

🌟 Businesses Launched
2023: 5
2024: 4 💡

This is the 4th year I’ve coached Professionals and Executives in their 20s & 30s to advance their career, and it’s very rewarding to see the process consistently applied.

Are you curious about the process behind these incredible wins?

Join me at 12:15pm AEDT for a free 30-minute webinar where I’ll talk you through the strategies my clients used to secure the jobs they really wanted. 

You’ll walk away with actionable steps to start your own transformation—and a glimpse into the exciting community experience I’m building (stay tuned for an exciting announcement on Wednesday). 

Here is the event link.


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Life Coaching For Your 20’s and 30’s
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The mirror trick

I love telling this story to clients to shift perspective. You may have heard it, but it’s worth repeating. People used to complain that elevators

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