You might be seeing a lot of posts about New Year’s Resolutions being unsustainable, like how gyms are full in Jan but empty in Feb.
Well I for one love seeing the gym full in January.
Sure, there will be many who won’t keep showing up.
But some will, and that’s the key.
Resolutions won’t work for everyone.
They’re simply one tool out of many that you can try.
There will be some reading this who resolved to change something this year, and without this catalyst they wouldn’t be trying.
And for those that are trying, some of them will continue for long enough to achieve their desired change.
The same goes with your career.
The New Year is as good a reason as any to go after something, especially if you’ve been wanting to do so for a while.
So if you’ve made a resolution or are thinking about one, don’t get put off by the naysayers that say you shouldn’t do it.
Why not?
Surely you have everything to gain and nothing to lose?
