Keep job hunting over Christmas

Keep job hunting over Christmas 1

You may not think the festive season is a great time to look for a job.

Before Christmas is a frenzy of activity as people rush to get things done, and then after Christmas is a lull as people take time off over January.

So if you’re wanting a new job, it may seem reasonable to take a break over Christmas and pick up your job search in February.

But the holidays are actually an ideal time to keep hunting  – and here are three reasons why.

1) The job market stays open

While lots of companies take forced leave over Christmas, there are many that stay open and need to fill positions.

Indeed, many employers take advantage of the quieter holiday period to focus on strategic decisions like hiring.

And even if there are fewer jobs advertised over the holidays, there will always be new jobs posted, so you shouldn’t stop your search altogether.

Always remember that every job ad is a potential opportunity for you, so don’t let these opportunities pass you by.

2) You can keep applying while others aren’t

There are many reasons why people pause their job search over Christmas.

Some are travelling and can’t focus as much on job hunting.

Some are burned out and want to take a break from applications.

Some simply assume that things are quieter so it’s not worth their while to keep looking.

Whatever their reasons are for not applying, it means you will have an advantage if you do apply.

And if you’re waiting until the holidays end so you can recharge for your search, just appreciate there’ll be lots of other job seekers that will return recharged as well.

3) You’ll have great momentum

Searching for a job can be an extensive process, and people can lose sight of how long it can take to get into a sustainable routine.

So if you’re choosing to wait until the New Year to apply for jobs, then it’s important to appreciate how long it will actually take you to get going.

But if you keep searching or start searching for jobs over the holidays, even at a reduced capacity, you will be better placed to apply for jobs when the number of ads pick up in the New Year.

Yes, it’s called the silly season for a reason, but if you want a career change then I encourage you to lean into your job search, rather than lean out.

Thanks for reading to the end of this article!

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