Make people love dealing with you

There is sometimes a perception that “winning fixes everything”, but I don’t think this holds up if the way you win does more long-term harm than good. 

Your career will be defined by the people you work with and the relationships you develop. 

Burning bridges to get a result will only take you so far, and it will be made even worse if you don’t get the result you were pushing for. 

So if you really want to advance your career, try not to develop a reputation for being a difficult person to work with. 

This doesn’t mean you should avoid making difficult decisions or conflict at all costs – these will be inevitable, especially in more senior positions. 

It means that you need a team to help you keep succeeding, so do your best to foster these ongoing relationships.


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The mirror trick

I love telling this story to clients to shift perspective. You may have heard it, but it’s worth repeating. People used to complain that elevators

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